Monday, April 4, 2011

The Word of the Day Is...

Miwp. Or moop. That is Elijah's new word for "milk," although he also said it about my orange juice this morning. I think he's said it about 20 times already in the 90 minutes he's been up. Honestly, other than when he was eating, I'm not sure he has stopped talking once since he woke up.

Other new words he's learned the past week:
Doo (for Granddude)
Boll -- his word for airplanes or helicopters flying overhead. No earthly idea where he got this, but it's always the same word with same inflection (and excitement).

He has also learned the power of "Mommy." If I walk into the next room without him seeing me, he starts yelling "Mommy? Mommy? Mommy? Mommy?!" If he's playing with something really fun, he talks about it and puts "Mommy" at the end of every sentence. I used to think I'd never get tired of hearing him say it, but lately he's been pushing it. ... It's still pretty cute, though. For now.

Last night at life group, Elijah did not stop talking ALL NIGHT. Our host parents looked at me at one point and said, "Boy, he's a talker, isn't he?"

You have no idea.