Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lessons for Today

1. My child watches too much t.v. When he spends the half of play group asking for "Toodles," you know it's too much. I say this as he stands watching an episode of "Super Why!", which is his new favorite show. Fixing this is much easier on days that aren't overcast, cold, and generally depressing in every way.

2. My husband is almost totally unflappable. This is one of his most endearing qualities to me, and also one of the most astounding. I can be FREAKING OUT about a surprise and he will be just going about his business as if he always knew it would happen. Because, let's be honest here, he probably did.

3. Never underestimate the power of food. I've never been a big cook, not for lack of ability (I'm enough of a perfectionist to follow recipes well), but for lack of need. Michael loves to cook, so I never had to. But I've started this year, and I started exactly at a time when it's needed most, not only for friends in our life group who just had babies, but for friends who can't be near when their families need help. Sometimes I just wish there were more I could do than just cook and pray.

4. Sometimes, no matter how old you are, you just want a hug from your mom.


  1. Today is one of those days where I have a really hard time living far away from my friends and family. I'm so thankful that you are near my friends because I know you will be there to take care of them when I can't. Thanks, friend.

  2. Wish I could give you that hug, Sally Jane.

  3. Don't underestimate the virtue in cooking and praying.
    I have been thinking about how hard it is and will continue to be living far away from my fam yesterday and today.
    I'm really thankful that Nate and I have less responsibility to our families and more to each other because of where we are geographically, but when I think about the distance sometimes it overwhelms me.
    I'm very thankful of airplanes and the internet.
