Friday, October 19, 2012

Too, too fast.

Today, I looked up, and Elijah was a kid. Um. What? When did that happen??

Fridays are music class days, and somehow we're always running late. Today was no exception, and when I realized what time it was, I asked Elijah to go upstairs to get his clothes. I specifically said, "Elijah, go upstairs and get a shirt, some socks, and the jeans from the top of the stairs." I was hoping he'd do it, but honestly I was working under the assumption that he'd make it upstairs and even pick out a shirt, after which I'd come up and help him finish. I got busy with Wriston and myself and was just about to skip my makeup in order to find Elijah when he reappeared. He said, "Mommy, I did it. I got a football shirt, soccer socks, and my pants." He did exactly what I asked, and he did it without my hanging over him and nagging, and within a normal time frame. He beamed with pride when I praised him, then proceeded to get dressed. All by himself. The socks took a little maneuvering, and he did try to put on his shirt over his pajama shirt. But really, he dressed himself, including shoes. And off we went to music class, late but happy.

After class, we were chatting with Miss Rachel before we left. When we stopped paying attention to Elijah for just a minute, he started saying, "Mommy! Mommy! Watch me!" When I did, he turned to the well-labeled shoe cubbie and pointed to the letters one at a time, saying, "S-H-O-E-S" and smiling proudly. Blew. me. away. When we got home, I made him do it again. I took a video, but I don't know how to load it, so you might see it someday.

Both of my boys seem like they wake up some mornings and just decide to do something, and after that it's just a part of everyday life. I am so proud of Elijah, which somehow seems ridiculous because there are literally a billion people who dress themselves and recognize letters. But it's still stunning to watch. And all I can think is, God, You are a mighty creator, and I am in awe of this creature You have entrusted to me. I pray I can teach him well.